Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 5, 2009

The rules of the Work

A definite code for personal success

You may be good at your work, but being good at what you do is not enough if you want to be really successful. You need something else. You need “The rule of work”, because while everybody else is concentrating solely on what they do, you’re following the 10 golden rules of work that make sure you’re not just thinking about what you do but also, how you do it, how others perceive you are doing it, what else you do besides. And that’s what gets you respected, valued, admired and promoted. Others can be good, but you’ll be better.

Rule 1 -Walk your talk

This is the underlying rule that governs all the others – know you job well, do it well and be better than anyone else in doing it. It’s that simple. The secret is to make sure nobody knows how hard you have to work to do it so well. You can do all your learning in secret, in private – you just don’t let on, don’t let anyone know you do this – and never ever let anyone know you’ve read this book; it is your secret bible. The important thing is to look calm and efficient, on top of everything and totally in control. You glide through your daily work with ease and confidence. You are unflappable and unstoppable. Bottom line is, however, you must be really good at your basic work

* Get your work noticed
* Never stand still
* Volunteer carefully
* Carve out a niche for yourself
* Under promise and over deliver
* Know something others don’t
* Be 100 percent committed
* Enjoy what you are doing
* Develop the right attitude
* Never let anyone know how hard you work

Rule 2 -Know that you are being judged at all times

Everything about us speaks volumes to others. The way we dress, the car we drive, where we go on holiday,

how we walk and talk, what we eat at lunch time – everything about us is subject to the judgment of others.

Rule 2 is making sure that the judgment is positive and enhances your career. If you have never thought about it before, this rule will help you recognize the signals you give off and how to improve them so others take notice. You can’t stop people making judgments – and consciously affect them. This rule is about being stylish, confident, smart, well groomed and very smooth.

* Dress well
* Cultivate a smile
* No limp fish- develop the perfect handshake
* Exude confidence and energy
* Develop a style that gets you noticed
* Pay attention to personal grooming
* Be attractive
* Be cool
* Speak well
* Write well

Rule 3 -Have a plan

Do you know where you are going? If you don’t, then the probability is that you will end up going nowhere. The smart followers of the “Rules” know exactly where they are going. They have a plan. They have plotted the path to where they want to be – in six months, in a year, in five years. They have planed their games and know how to play. And so could you. Player by the rules remain flexible and convert their plan according to circumstance – they are not rigid thinkers but smart and very fluid.

* Know what you want in the long term
* Know what you want in the short term
* Study the promotion system
* Develop a game plan
* Set objectives
* Know your role
* Know yourself-strengths and weaknesses
* Identify key times and events
* Anticipate threats
* Look for opportunities

Rule 4 -If you can’t say anything nice – shut up

This is a really easy rule to understand but a tough one to follow. We all like to gossip, to bitch, and to talk about our bosses behind their back. The rule, however, is – don’t do it. Learn to say only positive things, nice things, and complimentary things. People judge you by what you say as much as how you say it (see Rule 2), so be known as someone who is always pleasant and upbeat.

* Don’t gossip
* Don’t bitch
* Stand up for others
* Compliment people sincerely
* Be cheerful and positive
* Ask questions
* Use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’
* Don’t swear
* Be a good listener
* Only speak sense

Rule 5 -Look after yourself

Most people you deal with are probably decent and good to be around. However, there are always a few who aren’t. You can’t avoid them – the bastards, the jealous colleagues, the ones who will take any opportunity to stab you in the back or do you down. They will shoot you down in flames at any chance they get. Make sure that your new image doesn’t make you a target. This rule is about minimizing enemies and staying one jump ahead. As you get more successful it often a sort of organic process that you attract jealousy and envy.

By practicing this rule you will avoid this and look after yourself-especially your back.

* Know your ethics of your industry
* Know the legalities of your industry
* Set personal standards
* Never lie
* Never cover up for anyone else
* Keep records
* Know the difference between the truth and the whole truth
* Cultivate your support/Contracts/friends
* Understand others’ motives
* Assume everyone else is playing by different rules.

Rule 6 -Blend in

No one likes a black sheep or a white crow or a fish that swims in a different direction to the rest of the shoal. Rule 6 teaches you don’t stand out as an outsider. You might stand out as being the leader of the peak – better, more efficient – but you will still be ‘one of us’ because you know how to play the ‘blending in’ game.

* Keep the corporate culture
* Speak the corporate language
* Dress up or down accordingly
* Be adaptable in your dealings with different people
* Know where to hang out, and when
* Understand the social protocol
* Know the rules about authority
* Know the rules about the office hierarchy
* Never disapprove of others
* Understand the herd mentality

Rule 7 -Act one step ahead

If you are going to move on up, you had better start practicing now. Rule 7 teaches you how to adopt the mannerisms, attitudes and managerial traits of the position above the one you currently hold. If you already look as if you have been promoted, chances are you will be.

* Dress one step ahead
* Talk one step ahead
* Act one step ahead
* Think one step ahead
* Address corporate issues and problems
* Talk of ‘we’ rather than ‘I’
* Walk the talk
* Spend more time with senior staff
* Get people to assume you have already made the step
* Prepare for the step after next

Rule 8 -Cultivate diplomacy

Smooth rule players move rapidly up the corporate ladder because they are diplomats. They don’t start fights, they stop them. They don’t sit on fences, they mend them. They spread calm around them and others turn to them for advice and inspiration. You too will be a diplomat. You will be known for your objective appraisal of any situation, your impartial attitude and your even-handed dealings.

* Ask right questions in times of conflicts
* Don’t take sides
* Know when to keep your opinions to yourself
* Be conciliatory
* Never loose your temper
* Never get personal
* Know how to handle other peoples’ anger
* Stand on your ground
* Be objective about the situation
* Put things in perspective

Rule 9 -Know the system and milk it

If you are going to move on up, you better know the ropes. Rule 9 teaches you how to understand the system – and how to milk it for all it is worth. This rule will have you out managing the management because you will know the system better than they do.

* Know all the unspoken rules of office life
* Know what to call everyone
* Know when to stay late and when to go early
* Know the theft or perks rule
* Identify the people who count
* Be on the right side of the people who count
* Be well up on new management techniques
* Know the undercurrent and hidden agenda
* Know the favorites and cultivate them
* Know the mission statement-and understand it

Rule 10 -Handle the opposition

If there is a promotion going and five possible candidates how do you identify them? And then how do you make yourself the obvious choice? Rule 10 teaches you how to identify the competition – your competition. And then it teaches you how to make yourself the favorite without being ruthless or underhand. In fact if you practice this rule really well, you will get them to recommend you, and want you to be promoted ahead of them.

* Identify the opposition
* Study them closely
* Don’t back stab
* Know the psychology of promotion
* Don’t give too much away
* Keep your ear to the ground
* Make the opposition with faint praise
* Capitalize on the career enhancing moments
* Cultivate the friendship and approval of your colleagues

These rules are simple and effective, safe, and practical. They are your ten steps to building confidence and creating new and more powerful you, morally and ethically. These rules enhance personal standards and elevate your individual principles.
Based on the Book ‘The rules of Work’ by Richard Templar

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